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Our Network

UC BRAID is a consortium of University of California campuses - Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco - which receive funding from NCATS at the NIH. UC BRAID’s early successes in sharing data and infrastructure, such as the cohort identification tool UC ReX and streamlined research processes, serve as models of the shared benefit of a statewide collaboration.

"UC BRAID's work is critical, not only in promoting systemwide efficiencies and innovation, but also in helping UC address some of the most pressing health issues we are facing in California, and beyond."


Janet Napolitano


University of California



The NCATS funded Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) programs support research teams including scientists, patient advocacy organizations, and community members to tackle system-wide scientific and operational problems in clinical and translational research that no one team can overcome.

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UC Health


University of California Health (UCH) provides leadership and strategic direction for UC’s six academic health centers and 20 health professional schools. 


Two example projects UC Health has undertaken with UC BRAID are:


UC Cures for Alzheimer's Disease Initiative

In partnership with UC BRAID, the UC Cures for Alzheimer’s Disease awards were created to accelerate the development of promising Alzheimer’s disease research. The initiative focuses on cutting-edge projects primed for clinical trial.


The two projects selected — one led by UC Irvine and the other by UC San Francisco — were awarded $1 million annually over two years. 



OptumLabs Research Partnership

The University of California and UnitedHealth Group partnership was established to help accelerate improvements in patient care and value. The research collaboration with OptumLabs, a data-driven research and discovery center, focuses on using OptumLabs data sets, analytical tools and its network of expertise to advance clinical research and translation.


As part of the strategic relationship, OptumLabs provides 7 UC researchers with complimentary access to its data warehouse. UC BRAID oversees that process and solicits innovative proposals annually for research ideas that leverage the OptumLabs data. See the details here.


The University of California Center for Accelerated Innovation (UC CAI) advances early-stage interventions for patients through funding, training and mentorship. The Center rigorously applies business and product-development practices from the biomedical industry to advance our most promising technologies toward commercialization. 




The BRAID Drug, Device, Discovery and Development (“D4”) workgroup focused on cross-UC collaboration in early translation of academic discovery into valuable and impactful therapies. The UC Drug Discovery Consortium (UC DDC) grew out of this work, and is funded by a 3 year UC Office of the President Multi-Campus Research Proposal Initiative grant (MRPI).


The UC DDC aims to build a drug discovery community for the University of California. Initially, the UC DDC will involve representatives from UC San Francisco, UC Los Angeles, UC Irvine, UC Davis and UC San Diego. In the future, we hope to expand to include all UC Campuses.




UC BRAID-Child Health (BRAID-CH) has transitioned to a new statewide collaboration. The Coalition will build an innovative and collaborative network to support clinical research activities that will rapidly provide new therapies, medical devices, quality care, efficient healthcare delivery, and health prevention strategies to all the people in California. The Coalition members were included as a result of a collaboration with the Children’s Specialty Care Coalition (CSCC).


Background: Since 2013, BRAID-CH has sought to serve as a UC consortium focused on a group of pediatric diseases while leveraging the strengths of UC BRAID. Some of BRAID-CH’s accomplishments:

  • Funded and implemented the Child Health Catalytic Grant Awards, serving as a model for a national initiative to support multidisciplinary pediatric research

  • Held the first UC wide Autism Summit and received a UC award for a multisite Autism Research 

CH Coalition


Considering a Partnership? Preparing a grant? Reach out early!


  1. Engage your local CTSA hub Director

  2. Provide a summary or abstract of your proposal including aims and list your UC collaborators (draft ok). Fill out our survey here!


Learn how you can leverage UC BRAID and cross-UC resources for your health research project.


Questions?: Email UC BRAID at

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Question? Email: info (at)

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