October 14 & 15, 2019
UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center
DOWNLOAD PDFs: Agenda | Bios | Attendee List
Date: Sep 1, 2018 San Francisco
One California: Integrating Research into Health Care
The University of California has been a driving force for biomedical discovery in the state, nation, and world.
But discovery alone is not enough. The UC academic medical centers must face the challenge of accelerating the translation of basic and applied research to new therapies and policies that truly impact health throughout California. The “One-California” workshop is designed to identify specific milestones, metrics, and approaches to ensure the relevance and reach of our biomedical research.
This year we’ll consider many of the challenges this work at UC BRAID now faces:
How best to make use of learning health system concepts: to build a “virtuous cycle” in which the biomedical research enterprise and UC health care system collaborate seamlessly to continually improve health.
How to optimally engage our community partners (patients, policy makers, biotech and pharma) in the goal of accelerating discovery into practice.
How to position BRAID to tap into the unique talent and unprecedented scale of the UC system to facilitate the kind of novel multi-site clinical trials that can transform health care and delivery.
How to optimize the collaboration between the discovery and delivery components of UC’s health care enterprise.
The retreat will be attended by a wide ranging set of leaders, faculty, and administrators from our network partners and the UC Office of the President.
We hope that you can join us!