October 2 & 3, 2018
UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center
DOWNLOADS: Agenda | Bios | Attendee List | Retreat Report
Date: Sep 1, 2018 San Francisco
Advancing the next generation of health research: Are we future-ready?
Join us for a discussion on the changes in the health research landscape.
Preparing for Emerging Innovative Study Designs
Leveraging the EHR to Recruit Study Participants
Building a UC-Wide Central IRB
Advancing the UC Health Data Warehouse Initiative
Developing UC Health Clinical Trials & Investigator Finders
Enhancing Video Consent Technology and Effectiveness
Creating a Virtual Biospecimen Discovery Tool
Together a diverse set of leaders, faculty, administrators, and partners will learn about exciting advances, influence UC BRAID’s objectives, and discuss new ways to position ourselves to be ready, now and into the future.
Please click here to view the agenda and download the presentations.