Translating Discovery into Health
University of California Biomedical Research Acceleration, Integration, & Development (UC BRAID) creates opportunities to improve health for Californians and beyond. Our platform for collaboration helps catalyze innovative ideas and build and leverage shared resources.
So long, silos! UC BRAID and our network of research administration experts across the University of California work to test and implement new ways of working together more efficiently. We break down barriers, making communication more effective, reducing impediments and redundancies, ultimately making it faster and easier for UC to conduct the next generation of research.

Contracting offices face increasing internal and external pressure to improve turnaround times for clinical trial contract execution. To address these challenges, UC BRAID convened a network of campus contracting leadership. More...

Participant Recruitment
Participant recruitment is a significant challenge in many studies involving human subjects. The 5 campuses of UC BRAID, UC Riverside, and Stanford have partnered to build a portfolio of tools and services to improve the participant recruitment processes. More...

UC BRAID works closely with campus IRB Directors and staff as they adapt to a changing regulatory landscape. This close collaboration provides opportunities for us to test new approaches that streamline IRB approval and speed up clinical trial activation. More...

UC BRAID facilitated linking our clinical trial networks, for the first time giving our patients access to cutting edge therapies across the UC health systems through single IRB review and a simplified contracting process.
Gary Firestein, Director
Clinical and Translational Research Institute ,
UC San Diego

We are excited to showcase a diverse set of tools developed by our partners across the University of California. One example is a clinical trial finder that helps researchers, patients and physicians explore the broad portfolio of trials across the state. Another is a toolkit to assist UC investigators through the contracting process for investigator-initiated trials. Take a look and see what else is on offer.
Legacy tool for research study cohorts from 15m de-identified patient records across UC Health

New ways of working together: A shared coverage analysis pilot project
Under the guidance of UC BRAID and the UC Cancer Consortium, UC Davis and UC San Francisco explored the possibility of a consistent approach to coverage analysis, a necessary but sometimes time-consuming process for sponsored clinical research agreements.
Date: October 2024 | Davis

A clinical trial pilot pioneers a new era of collaboration and equity
The pilot study speaks to UC BRAID’s systemwide goals – foster research collaboration and alignment, coordinate campus programs to maximize UC Health’s ability to conduct innovative clinical and translational research and engage California’s diverse communities to guide and advocate for community-informed research. This means that patients recruited through the UCHDW pilot can now contribute to the collective research knowledge of the multi-site UC Health system, regardless of where they live in California.
Date: May 22, 2024 | Oakland
Date: March 28, 2024 | San Francisco

KL2 / Amos Symposium
The UC BRAID Leadership Retreat was held at UC Irvine. This significant gathering brought together distinguished leaders from UC's five biomedical campuses to reassess the strategic direction of UC BRAID and to prioritize projects in support of UC BRAID’s specific aims. In attendance were directors and chief administrative officers from the 5 UC AMC campuses, as well as leadership of UC BRAID.
Date: February 2024 | California